eBooks on Demand

With eBooks on Demand (EOD) we offer the following order service for digitized items from the historical collection (books published 1500 – 1900):

  • the digitization of single pages or entire books (with or without text recognition) in PDF format
  • the creation of an EOD reprint, a reprint in the form of a book
  • the digitization of individual pages of books in TIFF format

This is how to order

You look for the desired book in the library catalog and click on the EOD button in the display.

You are then taken straight into an order module in which you enter the details of the required digitized media or reprints. You submit the order and then receive an e-mail from the library confirming receipt, containing a quotation or discussing any open questions. Once you have confirmed the order, the library creates the digitized medium and stores it on the server ready to be downloaded. You will receive the link to your digitized medium once you have paid, usually using a credit card. The link is then available for a period of 60 days. For a surcharge, you can receive the digitized medium as a CD-ROM or DVD.

Digitized books are made available on the www.e-rara.ch platform online after a blocking period.

About EOD