
Mendeley is a free reference management program that is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It is used to organize academic articles and PDFs and to process them for citations and reference lists. Mendeley makes collecting, managing and sharing literature and in-text citations simple and straightforward.


Our online introductory course for self-studying is available via ILIAS. The video tutorials are available in German with the accompanying slides in English.

The tutorial consists of five parts:

  • Introduction and installations
  • Collect references
  • Manage references
  • Cite in text
  • Cite in SciFlow

Course in German

Accompanying slides in English

Courses, consultations and support on demand

We offer individual Mendeley courses and consultations for all University Bern and PH Bern affiliates, online or in person. Please contact The offer is for all members of the University of Bern and PH Bern and is free of charge. Languages: German and English.

Storage space for groups at the University of Bern

Mendeley provides 2GB of private storage space per person for free. In case this should not be enough, especially to share and manage literature in a research group, the university library can create a Mendeley group with more storage space, free of charge. If you wish to set up such a group, please write an e-mail to with the desired group name.