Research workshop for students of the Faculty of Humanities (2 ECTS)
The course is designed for students in the Faculty of Humanities (undergraduates); it can be completed as part of the range of options (2 ECTS points)
The course covers the entire process of academic research: from independent choice of subject through to the application of various search strategies in various Internet sources, the localization of information that is found through to final evaluation, preparation and subsequent processing with a literature management program.
- Internet sources: Search engines, websites, library catalogs, interdisciplinary and subject-specific databases and portals
- Localization: Sourcing of electronic and printed media
- Literature management using the Zotero tool
6 double sessions, each Thursday,
October 6th - November 17th 2016, 12:15 p.m. - 13:45 p.m.
Unitobler PC room B -181A (Basement)