Predatory journals checklist

  • Is the website content consistent with the journal or is it copied verbatim from other websites?
  • Does it use language appropriate to the academic subject area and is the text grammatically correct and free from spelling mistakes?
  • Is the website unique or is it too similar to that of another journal/publisher?
  • Who edits the journal? Do you or your research colleagues know the editor? Is he or she well known in your subject area? 
  • Who serves on the editorial board? Are their names known in your research area? 
  • Do the persons listed know that they appear as members of the editorial board?
  • Can the editor be contacted by e-mail or telephone?
  • Does a particular editor crop up in several journals on different subjects?
  • Is there a contact address? Where is the office located? Is there an actual address?
  • Are your research colleagues familiar with the journal?
  • Have other academic specialists published in this journal?
  • What is the quality of the published articles?
  • Is the academic subject area of the journal explained fully and clearly?
  • Does the journal have a peer review process?
  • Does it give detailed information about how peer reviews are performed?
  • Who are the peer reviewers? Are their names known in your subject area?
  • Are realistic deadlines given for the completion of the peer review process? Very short deadlines indicate that the peer review process is performed inadequately, or not at all, since reputable journals usually require a fair amount of time.
  • Is it quick and easy to see whether publication fees are charged, and how much they are?
  • Does the journal have an ISSN?
  • Do the articles have a DOI?
  • Are the rights to re-use clearly stated?
  • Do the authors retain their right of use?
  • Are the articles published under a Creative Commons licence?
  • Is the publisher a member of OASPA and/or COPE?
  • Is the journal listed in the DOAJ?
  • Is the journal connected with an established academic association or published by it?
  • Is the journal indexed in professional databases?

When evaluating journals, you should also always bear in mind the cultural habits of the country of publication and/or of the subject area. 

You should also discuss your concerns with colleagues in your subject area or contact us.