Basisbibliothek Unitobler BTO
Basic study literature and media on the humanities, social sciences and theology
Opening hours
The Basisbibliothek Unitobler is part of the Unitobler Libraries.
The BTO is open to the public; its services and collections are intended to meet students' and faculty's needs.
For general information about infrastructure, borrowing and returning, courier services, information and research assistance please visit the website of the Unitobler Libraries.
- study spaces: 80 day study spaces and 24 long-term study spaces (conditions of use)
- 70 lockers for registered customers
- 6 group study rooms (seating 4-6 persons each), online reservation here.
- 1 meeting box (2 maximum of 2 persons)
- 3 online catalog terminals
- 1 self-checkout terminal
- 2 Uniprint devices for printing, scanning and photocopying
- 1 book scanner (with OCR text recognition)
- 3 Mac desktop stations with Office programmes and internet (access with student login)
- Courses and guided tours for groups: the Basisbibliothek Unitobler BTO offers introductory tutorials on library use and on catalog searching for groups. Specific tutorials and contact persons can be found in the registration forms for the department of history or for other departments respectively (early registration requested).
- General information and research assistance
For subject-specific information, please consult the theology und humanities portal portal. There you will find further information on the programs offered by the subject departments.
Interactive tour with Actionbound (in German language): Learn about our services and offers through an individual library tour with the help of the free Actionbound app. The tour starts at the information desk in the BTO and takes around 30 minutes.
The Basisbibliothek Unitobler BTO library offers literature from the humanities, social sciences, and theology in its open access shelves.
The range of media includes:
- basic literature in all fields of the humanities
- film adaptations of literary works, documentaries, video recordings of theater productions
- select fiction, mostly in translation
- daily newspapers and magazines
All items are listed in the swisscovery Universtät und PH Bern online catalog.
Further information

- Name / Titel
- Andrea Müller
- Funktion
- Head of Unitobler Library, Unitobler BTO Basic Library and Romance Studies Library
- Phone
- +41 31 684 80 34
- Name / Titel
- Nicolas Schupp
- Funktion
- Head of media processing Speicher
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 39
- Name / Titel
- Lisa-Maria Staub
- Funktion
- Head of customer service
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 35
- Name / Titel
- Elena Ataș
- Funktion
- Specialist I+D in training
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 40
- Name / Titel
- Michel Crelier
- Funktion
- Librarian
- Phone
- +41 31 684 47 04
- Name / Titel
- Jagoda Despotović
- Funktion
- Medienbearbeitung
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 25

- Name / Titel
- Isabel Grau
- Phone
- +41 31 684 93 88
- Name / Titel
- Dr. Tetiana Kara
- Funktion
- Medienbearbeitung
- Phone
- +41 31 684 86 61
- Name / Titel
- Peter Klossner
- Funktion
- Kundenservice
- Phone
- +41 31 684 36 95
- Name / Titel
- Nina Müller
- Funktion
- Kundenservice
- Phone
- +41 31 684 36 93

- Name / Titel
- Sabrina Mutti
- Funktion
- Leitung Bibliothek Anglistik, Kundenservice Basisbibliothek Unitobler
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 33
- Name / Titel
- Rian Riesenmey
- Funktion
- Customer services
- Phone
- +41 31 684 47 03
- Name / Titel
- Claudia Rotzetter
- Funktion
- Medienbearbeitung
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 26
- Name / Titel
- Melanie Sommer
- Funktion
- Kundenservice
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 37
- Name / Titel
- Flavio Spescha
- Funktion
- Kundenservice
- Phone
- +41 31 684 83 01
- Name / Titel
- Anja Wohlgemuth
- Funktion
- Kundenservice
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 32
- Name / Titel
- Nora Wyler
- Funktion
- Leitung Bibliothek Geschichte, Leitung Bibliothek Philosophie, Kundenservice Basisbibliothek Unitobler
- Phone
- +41 31 684 48 01