Old and rare books

Heritage of the Printed Book Database HDPB Collection of files of catalog records from major European and North American research libraries covering items of European printing of the hand-press period (c.1455-c.1830)

Book History Online (BHO) International bibliography in the field of book and library history

e-rara Platform for digitized rare books from Swiss libraries

Discover e-journals in your subject area with BrowZine. The best starting point is here: old and rare books journals

Old and rare books

Consultation hours for literature research

Our subject librarian for old and rare books would be pleased to assist you in making full use of the resources of the University Library Bern:

  • Assistance in researching your topic
  • Using specialized databases
  • Help with search strategies
  • Support for working with literature management programs

Please make an appointment by e-mail. The consultation can also be made via Teams or Zoom.

For further services of our subject librarians please visit the portal for humanities and theology of the University Library of Bern (in German).

Our collection in old and rare books can be requested through our online catalog swisscovery Universität und PH Bern. Old prints up to the year of publication 1900, maps and special collections can be researched in swisscollections, the gateway to historical and modern collections in Swiss libraries and archives.

Open access holdings can be found in the following libraries:

Münstergasse Library

  • Historical collection (books published up to and including 1899, to be consulted in the Special Reading Room)
  • Reference works in the Special Reading Room