Bern Open Publishing

BOP Serials and BOP Books offer scholars at the University of Bern infrastructural solutions for scholar-led publishing projects in Open Access Gold.
The publishing platform BOP Serials serves the publication of peer-reviewed open-access periodicals and series. BOP Books is primarily a platform for peer-reviewed, scholarly monographs, edited volumes, and book series.
Other open-access publications such as essay collections, working papers or reports can be published via our repository BORIS.
Publications should fulfill the requirements of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, which the University of Bern signed in 2007.
Rights and Licenses
Bern University Library recommends the use of the Creative-Commons-License CC-BY, which means anyone reusing the work is obligated to cite it. This license regulates the access to publications according to the requirements of national and international funding instruments, allows proper indexing and discoverability in databases and aggregation sites; it also facilitates text- and datamining.
The copyright remains with the author. BOP receives the right of first publication and a simple usage right that is unconstrained in terms of time and space in order to publish the work online and to distribute it via a print-on-demand service.
Authors have the right to enter other contracts for non-exclusive distribution of a version of the work as it is published by BOP. However, such a contract has to assure citation of the work's first place of publication, i.e. BOP.
Information for Editors and Authors
BOP Serials offers technical and organisational support to local scholars who want to launch a new scholarly journal or migrate an established one from a publisher; BOP Serials only supports Open Access journals. Bern University Library hosts the publishing platform Open Journal Systems (OJS), which offers a sophisticated publishing management workflow from submission to peer-review, publication and archiving.
The parameters of cooperation are defined in a contract between journal editors and Bern University Library.
BOP also publishes regular academic publications that undergo a peer-review process. Series can either be hosted on BOP-Books that operates on the publishing platform OMP or they can be published via our repository BORIS.
The parameters of cooperation are defined in a contract between series editors and Bern University Library.
Publications on BOP receive the necessary identifiers:
- DOI (Digital Object Identifier): this serves as a unique marker of a digital document. Publications with a DOI are persistently discoverable and quotable
- ISBN (International Standard Number for Books)
- ISSN (International Standard Nummer for Journals and Series)
If you have a single book-project which you would like to publish on BOP Books, please get in touch with the BOP Team:
Journals on BOP Serials
BOP-Serials is the publication platform of the University Library of Bern for periodically published and peer-reviewed Open Access journals.
BOP Books
Book-Series on BORIS
Berner Studien zur Geschichte (Bern Studies in History)
The different subseries that constitute Bern Studies in History (Berner Studien zur Geschichte) are intended to make research results emerging from the historical institute at Bern University openly accessible. This includes publications that are based on excellent masters- and bachelor theses; dissertations that do not appear in print; collections of source material that are by-products from research projects, as well as workreports. Additionally, Bern Studies in History offers a platform for publications that contain transferable knowledge for a general audience, such as schools.
To reflect the wide variety of research undertaken at the historical institute, the series was divided into the following subseries:
- Series 1: Klima und Naturgefahren in der Geschichte
- Series 2: Natürliche Ressourcen in der Geschichte
- Series 3: Verkehr, Mobilität, Tourismus und Kommunikation in der Geschichte
- Series 4: Visual Environmental History
- Series 5: Ära der Weltkriege
- Series 6: Sozial-, Kultur- und Geschlechtergeschichte des 19. und 20 Jahrhunderts
itw : im dialog – Forschungen zum Gegenwartstheater
This series is dedicated to contemporary theatre and aims to advance the idea of dialogue. itw : im dialog which appears every two years, offers researchers and artists a scholarly format within the context of a symposium programme. The issues are produced shortly after the symposia take place and appear before the next event takes place so that the insights and impulses gained from the international exchange can be quickly incorporated into the discussions about contemporary theatre. The series is available in print and digitally in open access. It is intended for a specialist audience as well as for interested members of the general public.
Berner Arbeiten zur Theater- und Tanzwissenschaft
The series «Berner Arbeiten zur Theater- und Tanzwissenschaft» (Bern Studies on Theatre and Dance - BATT) is intended to make available digitally and in open access the research results by graduates of the Institute of Theatre at the University of Bern. This includes publications based on Bachelor- and Masters-theses that received a very good or excellent mark as well as PhD-theses that did not appear as printed books. All titles are peer-reviewed.
We support our editors and authors in each step toward their open access gold publication, be it a journal, a series or books. We make our expertise and services available to cover issues raninging from an initial assessment of possibilities and requirements to going live and ensuring optimal distribution. For journals and series projects by Uni Bern researchers and hosted on BOP-Serials, we differentiate between two service packs:
Basic support (free for researchers at Uni Bern)
- Preparation
- Initial consultation about hosting a journal or series on BOP Serials
- Support in the decision-making process considering editorial requirements,
- Consulting on funding options (e.g. Swiss Academy of the Humanities), transferring archives (e.g. e-periodica), or technological requirements (e.g. XML)
- Journal and series set-up
- Conclusion of contract between editors and BOP; making available author contract templates
- 2 workshops (max) for editors to familiarize themselves with the publishing platform OJS
- Developing the graphic appearance of the journal or series within the available templates
- Workshop and support with the transfer of existing journal issues or volumes to OJS
- Consulting on publishing formats (PDF, JATS XML; HTML)
- Providing identifiers (ISSN, ISBN, DOI)
- Operating the journal or series
- Updating and maintaining the publishing platform
- Providing long term archiving (LOCCKS; bitstream archiving)
- iIdexing the journal in Sherpa/Romeo and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) once the requirements are met
Extended support (chargeable)
- Journal or series set-up
- Arrange for external service providers to provide graphics, layout, copy-editing or translation
- Arranging for Print on Demand solutions
- Additional workshops and extra email support for the use of OJS
- Tailored adaptation of the graphic appearance beyond existing templates
- Transferring an archive to OJS
- Operating the journal or series
- Additional support for indexing (e.g. XMl conversion)
- Editorial tasks (e.g. publishing issues)
- Customized support in the publishing workflow
BOP is available for free for researchers at the University of Bern except for the extended service pack. External publishing projects, such as society journals that receive funding from the academies, are charged a low, yearly hosting fee.
For further information please get in touch with us at:
All about publishing
We are happy to help you with any question regards the publishing process:
- Planning a journal, a series or publishing a single work on BORIS
- Designing or adjusting workflows for your journal or series with open source tools, from manuscript development to publication and distribution
- Choosing the right open access licenses
- Entering your journal in international indexes
Migrating to BOP
If you plan to move your existing journal to BOP, we will support you during the entire process: from planning to relaunch.
Setting up a new journal or series
If you are founding a new journal or series, we will support you during the entire founding process: from honing the concept to the first issue.
Tutorials for OJS
BOP Serials runs on the latest version of OJS 3.1, which offers many helpful new features. These and other changes in comparison to OJS 2 can be learned at which features a wealth of resources und instructions in German and English about how to use OJS as an editor and author.
You can reach us by email at or by telefone: +41 31 684 95 86