English Studies
Opening hours
The English Studies Library is part of the Unitobler Library
The English Studies Library is open to the public; its services and collections are intended to meet students' and faculty's needs.
For general information about infrastructure, borrowing and returning, courier, information and research assistance please visit the website of the Unitobler library.
- 48 long-term study spaces which can be borrowed per semester; 14 of them equiped with mobile file cabinets
Further information on the loan of study spaces and mobile file cabinet can be found here.
Reservations for study spaces and mobile file cabinets can be made using this form.
An overview map shows the layout of the study spaces in the English Studies Library. - 8 day-to-day study spaces for free use
- 30 lockers to be borrowed separately or in combination with a study space
- 1 online catalog terminal
- 1 self-checkout terminal
- reading bench
- tea corner
Library introductions
Library introductions are offered at the beginning of the fall semester as well as on request.
Tutorials in subject-specific research are offered by subject librarian Gabriela Scherrer.
There's also an interactive tour in English language as an introduction to the English Studies library. With the help of the free Actionbound app you receive an introduction to our holdings, information about our shelf mark system as well as tips on finding literature and using research tools. The tour in quiz form starts in the English Studies institute hallway (2nd floor Unitobler, in front of the library office B271) and takes around 40 minutes.

The contents of the English Studies library's collection corresponds to the researchLibrary correspond with the research specialisations of the institute of English Languages and Literature.
Literature is collected from the fields of:
- Medieval English literature
- Modern English literature
- North American literature
- Literary theory
- Modern English linguistics
- Language and communication
We are also happy to accept acquisition suggestions by e-mail or electronic form.
All media of the English Studies Library can be found in swisscovery University und PH Bern.
Further information

- Name / Titel
- Sabrina Mutti
- Funktion
- Leitung Bibliothek Anglistik, Kundenservice Basisbibliothek Unitobler
- sabrina.mutti@unibe.ch
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 33
- Name / Titel
- Jasmine Hofmann
- Funktion
- Library assistant English studies and Linguistics
- jasmine.hofmann@unibe.ch
- Phone
- +41 31 684 88 04

- Name / Titel
- Gabriela Scherrer
- Funktion
- Subject librarian English and American studies, film studies, general humanities, sport science
- gabriela.scherrer@unibe.ch
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 42