University Library of Bern UB


Access to e-media

The University Library of Bern provides a variety of electronic media such as e-books, e-journals and databases.
Many of these e-media are subject to a fee and would not be allowed to be made publicly accessible for licensing reasons.

In the research portal swisscovery University and PHBern, these accesses are only displayed within the campus network, in contrast to freely accessible e-media.

The access options to e-media are described here for each location and target group:

Access with WLAN "eduroam" (login with campus account) or "public-unibe" (code available on site)

PHBern: Access with WLAN "eduroam" oder "public-phbern"

Uni Bern:

  • Access with VPN client: The VPN client is installed on the computer and must be switched on in each case in order to access the e-media.
  • Access without VPN client: Another option is the SWITCHaai login (only for individual databases).


  • Access with VPN client: The VPN client is installed on the computer and must be switched on in each case in order to access the e-media.

Access to some licensed databases.
Login works via the SWITCH edu-ID, which everyone can register for.

Only freely accessible e-resources are available for external guests.