University Library of Bern UB

Subject information

Social anthropology

Evifa Portal for all fields of social anthropology

AHCI Interdisciplinary bibliography for journal articles focussing on the humanities and cultural studies

AnthroSource Access to journals published by the American Anthropological Association (AAA), including archive

Discover e-journals in your subject area with BrowZine. The best starting point is here: Social anthropology journals

SSCI Interdisciplinary bibliography for journal articles from 1956 for issues with a focus on social studies

Anthropological Index Online Lists articles from journals and languages that cannot be found in other databases

Berghahn Open Anthro Currently 13 open access journals that operate on the "subscribe to open" model also supported by the University of Bern

Social anthropology

Consultation hours for literature research

Our subject librarian for social anthropology would be pleased to assist you in making full use of the resources of the University Library Bern:

  • Assistance in researching your topic
  • Using specialized databases
  • Help with search strategies
  • Support for working with literature management programs

Please make an appointment by e-mail. The consultation can also be made via Teams or Zoom.

For further services of our subject librarians please visit the Portal Humanities and Theology of the University Library of Bern (in German).

Our collection in social anthropology can be requested through our online catalog swisscovery Universität und PH Bern. Open access holdings can be found in the following libraries:

Lerchenweg Library

  • Specialized literature on social anthropology
  • Research focuses: Anthropology of transnationalism and the state, anthropology of kinship, gender research, economic anthropology, comparative anthropology of communities characterized by Islam, visual anthropology

Basisbibliothek Unitobler BTO

  • Basic academic literature for students

Münstergasse Library

  • Reference works in the reading room