Gessner anniversary

Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) was a man of extraordinary gifts. His intellect, his talent for drawing and knowledge of languages and literature combined with his curiosity and effort to accumulate and publish knowledge. As an all-round scholar, he laid the foundations in a number of sciences. His interdisciplinary approach is nowadays seen in a new light. Gessner's scientific network was international. His research and writing strove to present things as comprehensively and detailed as possible. Gessner's sense of order and theological views were fundamental characteristics of his tremendous work. However, this work was also achieved because it provided an income, which he depended upon throughout his life. The 500th anniversary exhibition particularly traces Gesner's insight that language and the image, the "Conterfactur", have a scientific value.

The University Library Bern harbors many of Gessner's important works. The first editions are in Latin whereas later editions appeared in German. The exhibited objects illustrate the variety of Gessner's works and also show aspects of how they have been received. His writings cover the fields of mineralogy, botany, theology, philosophy and zoology.

Bibliography of works exhibited