University Library of Bern UB

Open Science

Training series and Workshops in Open Science

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In our courses and workshops, you will familiarize yourself with details on Open Access publishing, Research Data Management, and BORIS Portal research data and projects repository.

The Open Science Team at the Bern University Library will be happy to support you by advising how to comply with funding agencies' requirements in Open Science (Open Access and Open Research Data) for the European Commission (e.g., Horizon Europe) and other national (SNSF) and international projects.

We offer individual support and training sessions as well as workshops based on your needs for you and your team on request. Please contact us via

For the fall semester workshops and training session "How to" please register using UB-Agenda and join us via Zoom.

Zoom Link:

Up on request

presented by the Research Data Support of the University of Bern and the Open Science Unit of the Bern University of Applied Sciences 

The management of sensitive data (personal data) poses numerous challenges: Researchers must store and transfer data securely, monitor access to the data and use protection strategies such as anonymization and pseudonymization. And all of this must be done within an ethical and legal framework (such as the revised Data Protection Act) and planned from the outset. 

To encourage sharing of challenges, good practices, and possible solutions, there will be short presentations by: 

- Nada El Makhzen (Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Bern): Challenges in Generating, Sharing, and Storing Genetic Data for Patients with Rare Diseases in Africa: Insights from the Cystic Fibrosis Collaboration 

The main goal of the African cystic fibrosis collaboration and partnership with African countries is to understand the prevalence of cystic fibrosis in regions like North Africa, emphasizing differences, difficulties with diagnosis, and the need for more education and specialized treatments. 

- Regina Jenzer M.Sc. (School of Social Work, Bern University of Applied Science): Forschung im zivilrechtlichen Kindesschutz: Herausforderungen im Umgang mit sensitiven Daten

In diesem Input werden Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen mit sensitiven Daten im Forschungsprojekt "Besserer Kindesschutz durch kindfokussierte Zusammenarbeit im KESB-Verfahren" präsentiert. Der Fokus des Inputs liegt dabei auf dem Vorgehen bei der Rekrutierung der Kindesschutzfälle, dem Führen von Interviews mit besonders vulnerablen jungen Menschen sowie dem Umgang mit diesem äusserst sensitiven Datenmaterial. 

- Prof. Dr. Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck (Institut of Marketing and Management, University of Bern): Protecting personal information while sharing data: synthetic datasets

Sharing research data, as one of the cornerstones of Open Science, often runs into a privacy problem. What data can be shared while protecting personal information? I will demonstrate an R package (synthpop, that allows the generation of synthetic datasets (based on real ones) that have the same statistical properties but no trackable personal information.   

(Talks in German and English) 

What to expect? 

The new Data Talks are informal exchange events with short talks by researchers on research data and research data management. Each talk will last 10 minutes, followed by time for discussion. There will also be time for networking with colleagues, so don't miss the apéro after the event! 


Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 5:15 pm – 6 pm (Apéro afterwards) 


University of Bern, UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, room A022 

What are Data Talks? 

Data Talks are informal exchange events with short presentations by researchers from all disciplines on research data and research data management. Each talk lasts 10 minutes, followed by time for discussion. Both early career researchers and experienced researchers are welcome. There will also be time for networking with colleagues, so don't miss the Apéro after the event! 

Contact: (University of Bern) / (Bern University of Applied Sciences) 

Organized by Data Stewards at the University of Bern (UniBE) jointly with a member of the Open Science Services from University of Zurich (UZH) and Data Stewardship Program coordinators from the University of Basel (UniBas).

When: 4 November 2024, 9:00-17:15 h

Where: 3012 Bern, Hochschulstrasse 4, Kuppelraum / room 501 

We aim to bring together experts, data stewards and researchers working on (sensitive) personal data from different disciplines to exchange knowledge and raise awareness of the topic. Experts will provide insights on data protection regulations, infrastructures, reproducibility, data anonymization, and regulatory affairs in clinical research. The afternoon session  will be dedicated to researchers from various domains presenting their challenges and potential solutions in the management of (sensitive) personal data.

Keynote speackers: Simone Mäder - Data Protection Office at UniBas; Claudia Becherer - Department of Clinical Research, Regulatory Affairs; Matthias Templ - Swiss Data Anonymization Competence Center; Thierry Sengstag -  sciCORE; Eva Furrer - Swiss Reproducibility Network 

Research use cases: Paulina Brönnimann -  Institute of Tissue Medicine and Pathology, UniBE; Sarah Musy - Public Health Department UniBas; Gwynne Erin Mapes - Institute of English Languages and Literatures, UniBE; Mykola Makhortykh - Institute of Communication and Media Studies, UniBE; Paolo Favaro (INF) - Institute of Informatics, UniBE.

Registration is open and free of charge. Please register here